Saturday, July 23, 2016

Day 2 - HonG KoNg - 11/7/2016

ahha! day 2 of our trip was also rayous's birthday!!

happy birthday naughty one!! yes, the cot was provided on request by the hotel. 

day 2 started with a visit to this lin heung restaurant. it is famous for dim sum and i have never been there despite the so many times of visit to hk. so this time round, finally made it there. haha

yeah, the traditional kind of HK cha-lou. ok, the place wasnt as old and squeezy and rowdy as i thought it would be. heng ah.

yeah.. i had to let this naughty boy sit on my lap for most of the meals.. haiz.

the food there is really not bad. not too expensive too, if i remb correctly. 

then we took a walk along the dried food street in central.. all selling the chinese dried food.. lup cheong lah, scallops lah, red dates lah, dried oysters lah, dried shrimps lah etc etc.. one whole street all selling the same stuff. 

and then... was the journey to lantau island for the big buddha!

and most of the time, i carried the naughty boy using the carrier cuz stroller too inconvenient and troublesome to use. even in SG, i also prefer to use carrier than stroller cuz it's sooo much more convenient to use. if use stroller, still have to always look for the lift and wait for the lift (and the lifts tend to be always crowded somehow!), when the escalator is just right in front of u! and it's a nightmare having to use a stroller in crowded places. and not to mention how the pple in HK cheong like mad shit right?! 

and.... when using the carrier, i cannot sit down either. cuz when i do, mr naughty will start trying to climb out and free himself from the carrier. he will only be satisfied and settled when i carry him and walk! yes!! i really indulged him too much liao! HAIZ.

finally reached the tung chung station - one of the terminal station. 

haha, not forgetting bbt even when overseas. yay.

preparing ourselves for the big hot sun..

and i tell u, that day was literally a queuing day! tonnes of pple wanting to take the cable car to the big buddha. queuing to buy the tickets took us almost 1hr. and know what? queuing to sit in the cable car took us yet another hr!!!! damn mad shit! i seriously dont recall that the q were so horrendous during the past few times i visited the buddha. WTF.

on hindsight, we should have pre-bought the tickets online, so maybe dont have to q for so bloody long. but then again, to visit the buddha or not really depends on the weather. so we also didnt want to risk buying the tics online but in the end have to abort the visit cuz of rain or what. 

anyway, after 千辛万苦... we finally got on the cable car.

i was quite fed up that day actually. it was really poor planning. due to the damnnn long qs, by the time we reached the big buddha, it was already about 4pm. then know what? we got to catch the return cable car which last car will leave at 6pm. so effectively, we only had 2hrs there. and thanks to rayous, half an hr was gone trying to change his diaper, make his milk, and make him drink. and then another half hr was spent in the shop deciding which photos to buy... yeah, that kind of gimmick photos which all tourist attractions will take for u FOC but charge u super high price when u buy.. 

and so, we only had about an hr to visit the place. q for 2hr for a mad rush visit of 1hr! din even have time to visit the temple and eat the vegetarian food there. grrrrrrrrrr. 

and also gotta rush cuz of the impending rain.. see the dark clouds??

really rush rush and rush only loh. really quite unhappy. queued sooo long for nothing i feel. in the end go there snapped a few pictures nia. grrrrr. and.... for the return cable car..... GOTTA Q AGAIN!!! ultimate DL!!!! the long qs were really unexpected. really super siannnnn. the whole day was really spent on queuing. pure waste of time! 

the crystal cabin that we took.. 

and the gimmick photos.. costed about SGD100+.. haiii

yea. after that was back to hotel to rest for awhile, before we headed out for dinner. wanted to bring them to eat the famous claypot rice at temple street, but in the end could not find our way (poor planning again, i admit). ended up in some other restaurant and ate somewhat tze char instead. also ate roasted pigeon for the 1st time. haha. ok lah, the meat abit like duck meat. quite tasty. oh and i tot we kenna dock for the 赖尿虾. so expensive but in the end the meat was dry and tough. grrrrr. 

that's all for day 2 - the ultimate queuing day, i will call it. grrr.

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