Saturday, December 29, 2012

MoRe CaTcHing Up ...

2nd xmas exchange, with the bnf peepz... slightly different from the gals exchange.. for this exchange, we had already taken lots previously to decide who to buy for who, secretly.

yh with yan's presents

cap and bottle

jas with my present

a neck pillow and eye mask

me with yh's present

a shawl and a ring

yan with jas's present, a pouch

ant with xh's present - a superman lamp

and xh with ant's present - bodyshop gift set and an xmas sock

good dinner at pu tien marina sq


friday was with ex-colleagues. dinner was at this turkish restaurant in bugis shaw tower. nice nice food too.

2 more days to new year... omg..... soooo scaryy... time fliessss!!!!!!

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