Sunday, December 2, 2012

start of a new month....

had anticipated december to be a peaceful and easy month...... but i guess it's not going to be the case liaoz. and was supposed to be on 1 week leave from tmr to friday... but.. that's not gonna happen too.

will be moving on to a new job assignment tmr and will be stationed at a different office. looking forward, but at the same time, unable to hide the anxiety and nervousness.

i guess this time round.. the a 只许成功,不许失败....不成功便成仁......

realllllyyyyyy worried....

i hope i can deliver and meet the expectations...

and hopefully, this will be a good and successful 转捩点 for me.

gotta adapt to the new environment and colleagues....

one thing for sure, i cannot stand up and work for an hour after lunch anymore...

that's sad.

wish me good luck..


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