Thursday, December 20, 2012


now it's said that tmr will be the end of the world. around 7+pm singapore time. 我拭目以待.

though i do not believe it will happen, it's quite scary actually. just read from the papers that there was this frenchmen who once predicted that the world will silently come to an end when the dancing horse completes the 9th round. and somewhat somehow, this was being linked to the gangname style dance on you-tube... and the world will end when the hit rate turns 1billion (ie 9 zeros). apparently the hit rate is now at 988m........... will it happen??

read from the news that there are pple around the world who are seriously getting themselves ready for the doomsday.

now, what's the point of surviving when everyone else is dead and everything else are destructed?

wierd pple, arent they?

and.. my jc principal made it to the newspaper headlines today. apparently being investigated by CPIB for suspected corruption. stunned.

千年道行一朝丧. pls do not 行差踏错........

i guess he should now be one of those praying that the doomsday will really come tmr.

let's wait and see...

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