Saturday, April 21, 2012


why are there sooo many traumatising happenings recently??!

there will soon be this annual company walk/run event whereby we can participate in the competitive run, lesiure run, or just walk.

current dept wants to send out a team to participate in the competitive run. thinking that i've been constantly running, i happily volunteered to be one of the runners, even though my very initial plan was to participate in the leisure run with my ex-dept colleagues, just like last year.

it's gonna be a 5km run. not too long, i initally thought. but after equivalenting 5km to 12.5rounds the track, it's actually quite intimidating.

i have no idea what is the distance that i usually run, but it's always around 30mins. so, i downloaded the appls that will track the distance. and that day, i went running with the phone.

and so, what i usually run, is 1.91miles in 30mins = 3km in 30mins.

oh-no. so what i usually run is only 3km?! and the max i have run before is only 4.5km. which means, im still short of 0.5km. which means, i still need to run another 1+ round the track! oh no. 4.5km is already kidda breathless. i really dont know if i can make it for 5km....

and.... i later realised that 3km in 30mins is D.E.A.D slow. apparently, walking speed is 4.5km/hour.. and so, my 'running' speed of 6km/hour is only slightly faster than walking!

and so.... all these while... i havent been running! i was only fast-walking!!!!????


super traumatising!!!!

and.. one of my team members in the competitive run is an auntie... and she told me.. she took about 30mins to complete the 5km run on the treadmill.



i remb i used to score 4points in the napfa test for 2.4km and i remb the time i took was about 22mins. hubb said impossible, as 22mins to complete 2.4km is way too slow. not wanting to believe it, i went online to check out the score chart. and indeed, to score 4points for 2.4km run, one must run b/w 14:21 to 14:50.

if i really did score 4pts for 2.4km run back then, assuming my timing was 14:50, so to run 3km, i should take only 18mins to complete.

so y am i taking 30mins now???!!!!


isit an age issue?? or... maybe the road i run fast-walk, is not as smooth as a flat track, hence longer time needed???

i really am ultimate slow.

im soooo worried now.

on that day, competitive runners will be given tags to pin on their shirts. then they will be flagged off first, followed by the lesiure runner.

i cannot imagine how malu it will be if im kenna taken over by a leisure runner...


must buck up!!!!

really traumatising. din realise all these while, i have only been fast-walking. i still tot covering 3km in 30mins is super zai already.

why let me know the hard truth??!

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