Sunday, April 1, 2012

ShaYna's BaBy ShoWeR

it's shayna's bb shower!

celebrated at Plaza Singapura's Lao BeiJing Restaurant.

with the 奶奶 and the little 表姐

with the 爷爷

with 叔公, 叔婆, 堂姑, daddy and mummy

with 姑妈 and  姑丈

with 姑妈 and mummy

and of cuz, with  姑姑 and 未来姑丈!

with 姑姑 and daddy

i love 姑姑!!! :)



now, time do fly. refer to this post for miss cute's full month celebration in 2008.. now 4yrs down, she's miss naughty quek already! wouldnt be too long before shayna will start greeting me and be a miss naughty as well.

kekekeke :)

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