Sunday, April 8, 2012

2/11/2011 - Day 5 台中/逢甲夜市

urgh. 3 days holiday passed just like that! emo.

time to resume my taiwan trip post.

day 4 ended with me vomitting all over the hotel lobby and praying that i'll be better after self-medication.

start of day 5. still at taichung.

hubb's hearty breakfast.

my pathetic breakfast, which later on was vomitted out as well. really no appetite for anything..

the fact that i continued to vomit and unwell left me with no choice but to seek proper medical advice. not to mention that we still have like another 1 week and much travelling to do.
and so, we went to a nearby clinic..... and got medication..

all properly dispensed in small little cute packs..

and a jab to go along with...

while searching for the clinic, hubb had his lunch at one of the eateries. and while at the convenience store, he came across these yummy 便当s and succumbed to the temptation again.. for him it was truly an enjoyable 吃喝玩乐trip.

afternoon was spent sleeping in the hotel. wasteful, but no choice.

night time was to the feng-chia night market in taichung. it's a super super huge and 热闹 night market. very happening. must visit if u are in tai-chung.

hubb had his fill as usual... for me, the pics are kidda 强颜欢笑.. cuz i was still unwell. bad time to visit the feng-chia market. there are sooo many things to eat and see and buy... but just no mood lah... haiz.

resting at a convenience store. yes, this is the real expression that reflected my mood at that point of time. ultimate sianz..

after that we went to 忠孝夜市, which is a really quiet, small and ulu night-market. nothing much here.

and this is the hotel which i vomitted right at the lobby even before checking in. urgh, real paisay. lucky thing was, we had 2 nights in taichung. at least some time for me to rest and not travelling around. phew. and see that jacket around my waist? i left it in the hotel when check-out. haiz.


someone chu pattern again. last last week, mc on wed and thurs. then friday got medical appointment which he later claimed mc, but he came back to handle his own work.

then monday, he came to work. tues took urgent leave. and then it was mc again on wed and thurs. and then public hol on friday, followed by the weekend.

fantastic, isint it?

apparently, he was knocked around his rib cage by his friend and now his rib cage hurts so much that 'even breathing is painful and as if it's broken'. and he has been walking around holding his ribcage, just like how a pregnant lady will hold her back. and then kept breathing so hard that as if worried no one can hear him.


so is he going for some hospitalisation leave again? the year before last was leg. last year was 'un-said-able'. and this year will be the rib cage??

WTF X 100.

im sorry if i sounded so heartless and un-sympathetic. but i really have nothing more to say of this person.

irresponsible. shameless. irritable. plain shit-ass lazy.

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