Thursday, May 3, 2012

Run AppLe Run!!!!

went for a trial run at the actual route with 2 of my fellow team runners yesterday.

according to the handphone appls, we completed 4.49km in 32mins.

wow, not too bad huh. the timing is very much better than what i usually run (ie 3km in 30mins)


my 2 colleagues - 1 is a mama with 2 kids, i guess her age should be early 40s. the other, i dont know got children or not, but i guess her age should be mid 50s (or maybe even late 50s).

and..... they both ran faster than me!

no joke. the mama is super nimble... and ran super fast. the other colleague, did stop and walk intermittenly and i managed to over-take her for a while. but eventually, she caught up with me and over-take me!


if they hadnt stopped and wait for me to catch up... i seriously dont know how far behind i will be.


now even more stressed for the run.

super malu if the leisure runners over-take me, who is supposedly to be the competitive runner.


and see?

sometimes, one really need to have competition to know where one stands.

if not for this run, i wouldnt have know that for all these while, i've been running soo slowly.

if without them to push me along, i wouldnt have run so much faster than what i usually run. seriously pushing myself to higher limits.

looks like competition is really necessary to keep one constantly improving and not be complacent.  

i want to be a 井底蛙 no more!

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