Monday, January 14, 2008


im so depressed. things at work are not going on smoothly... im not getting the kind of support and trust that i needed at work.....
back in uni i remembered learning something regarding the conflict of interests within departments in a company. at tt pt of time, i really cannot understand y conflict of interests exist when everyone is working for the same company and the common goal is to get the company moving...
i guess now i do understand...
im juz too naive to think tt everyone is looking at the BIG picture and tt the whole aim is to get the company to move on...
in reality, everyone is juz trying to cover their own asses and trying to shirk their responsibilities....
y like tt?
needed their help.. yet they always said case is closed on their end and im supposed to settle the issue myself. no support at all. and.... when i know things involve them... i will get super worried.. cuz i know most of the times, they will flop things up and expect us to clear the shit.. no trust at all.. yes, i don trust they will do a gd job at all.
how? how to work in a company when u don trust ur fellow workers and u don get the kind of support u expected frm them?
rite on the 1st few days at work, my colleagues already warned me of this particular dept... how we r always on the different ends with them.. now.. i finally can understand wad they meant by " 以后你就知道"...
i wished i can settle the issues by myself and dont have to wait for them and tolerate their ineffiencies and ineffectiveness... but.... i have so many other things on hand.. how to settle everything? and... they juz wouldnt help.. o man..... and it doesnt help when ur superior do not give clear directions on how to solve the issue but juz tell u to push it back to them... if only it's so easy to push it back.. hai... i really don like to play taiji and push here push there and things juz hang down there and no one bothers to solve.... i really wish to settle the issues.. but... i really don know how....................................................
arent there anyone who is looking? doesnt the mgmt know anything? so many people have been complaining.... no one up there is aware at all? and... the most ironic thing was.... the highest man up there came to visit and even praise tt dept for their efficient and effectiveness. it must be the greatest joke ever! i guess he is too high up to understand anything.... juz like how the governement is too high up to understand the sufferings of the commoners........
im sooo soooo soooo sian...
even the fact tt tmr is payday is not able to cheer me up.
who can save me?

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