Wednesday, January 2, 2008

10th YeAr AnnivErsaRy

tdy while walking to the busstop, i suddenly remembered it's a brand new school term for the students. then it dwelled on me tt exactly 10 years ago, i was admitted to sec 1. ahaha.. one decade.. passed juz like tt. hmm..
some memories are still v vivid.. if i really go think abt it, everything seemed to have happened juz yesterday. i remembered how i hated my form teacher.. i remembered the game tt the music teacher would play with us.. i remembered the poor malay gal who was being outcasted by almost everyone in the class.. i remembered how i used to sit at the back of the class and looking out of the door hoping i can juz go home.. i remembered the canteen food.. i remembered how much i dreaded cca sessions and councillor meetings..... there were happy times, there were unhappy times as well. so many so many memories.
cant remember how many pple there were in my sec 1 class le. 36? 38? some werent close to me while some were closer. most already lost contacts, but lucky for me, i still have a few in my contact list. juz wanna take this chance to thank my 10-years strong frens.
thank you ah min, wl, shirley, xh, jas (who in fact i've known for >10 yrs!) and the many many more, whether we r still in contact or not. 10 yrs isnt a short time. hope there'll be many more 10 years to come. our topics r slowly shifting.. i hope there'll be a day whereby we'll all sit down and discuss how good or naughty our children are. hhaahaa..
cheers frenz!
i wish u all nothing, but all the best in wadever u all are doing!
btw.. i cannot remember wad our sec 1 class was known as le. only remembered 3P2 and 4P2 for sec 3 and 4.. issit 1E4??
my memory is really failing me

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