Sunday, July 9, 2023

RaYous's BdaY ParTy

 It's Rayous's bday! 

Advance celebration on friday night at the function room! 

My little man wb 8yo soon!!! 

Actually this celeb was quite impromptu. 

To me, i think the important milestones to celeb wb full mth, 1yo, 3yo, 12yo, 16yo and 21yo.

So for other years, small celeb will do. 

For past yrs, we had been going to staycay to celeb our bdays. But this yr, his actual bday falls on a wkday, so cannot lo. 

Then he himself wanted to throw a bday party. 

Then i ok it, since next yr they will be splitting class liao, may be a good chance to get everyone together and take some pics. And my intention was to invite his whole class, perhaps including the teachers. But then he said he only wanted to invite the boys. Then after that he said he only wanted to invite 3 of them. And then in the end he said he only wanted to invite 1 of them.... Duh...? 

Abit weird right, invite only that 1 friend.... So in the end, i told him not to invite le... Just family members will do. Haha

So that was how it became a mini bash lo. Lol

I read somewhere before, that if we are holding bday parties for our children, to invite everyone in the class, so that no one will feel left out. 

But this rayous was saying that he also not close with everybody, why need to invite everybody? Then he also said 'you want the naughty boys to come and spoil the party mehh?'.... 



Ya lor. So... Sometimes really v difficult. 请一个,不请一个,不对。请到完,也不对。很难hor. 

Anyways yupx. 

Happy advance bday my little man!!

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