Sunday, July 2, 2023

BangKoK DaY 7 - 16 JuNe 2023

Last day of our bangkok trip!! 

Yum yum bf

And then.... Waiting for ferry....... 

To go iconsiam again!!! 


Cause we only have half a day before our flight in the evening, so cannot go too far la. 

And also, the main motive was to go to this photography shop in iconsiam, to take our thai makeover photos! 

Already saw this shop the 1st time we went iconsiam. Thought would be quite fun to take the pics, so since last day still got some time, we just did it lo. Keke. 

Good leh, include costumes (many to choose from), hairdo and makeup. Each pax is entitled to 2x 8R printout. And price is THB599 per pax. 

But i tot my makeup can be 温和abit la.. This make up makes me look fierce and like a 奸妃... Or perhaps it's the red costume?? Ummmmmm

And then we paid additional THB300 to get back all the softcopies. Hehe. 


And then after the photoshoot, can continue to wear their costumes and walk in the mall, while waiting for them to print the photos. 

So we walked around and take pics lo. Act like some celebrities.... Many onlookers. Whahaahhaha

And the 2boys...... 懒得理我。boohoo

Nvm, i high myself. And got tourists ask me to take pics with them hor. LOLLLL

But not easy to walk around with the long costume and heavy head accessories. 

So...... Very relaxed after removing all of them! 

Time to yum yum again!! 

Ate liao, shopped abit more, and back to hotel liao.

Last phototakings

Very nice view

And then to the airport liao! 

Dinner at the lounge

And dinner on flight again!!!!! Really..... 

And back in SG!!! 

Yeah, 就这样7days bkk trip!


Will write a trip debrief soon!


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