Tuesday, July 25, 2023


End of 颓废几爽的日子....

Yeah, i extended my mc for 2 more days. 

Woke up to a heavy head, tummy ache and backache on mon. 

I knew popping panadols should work, but... Why be so hard on urself right?

So, heeding Rayous's advice, I decided to take mc and just rest at home. 

Menstrual pain has been taken to a whole new level now.

Pain till, dont know isit tummy pain, or back pain. 

Pain till, can only lie on the bed and cannot do anything else liao.

Pain till, like the back is breaking.... Like im going to be paralysed soon. 


I really dont know whats going on. 

Is it back pain? Or tummy pain?

I think it started off with back pain. And the whole episode was made worse worse with the flu and then the menses. 

As to why backpain? Could be the endless housework. Or could be the gym and exercises. Or could just be the pure standing from having to travel back n forth work. Or could be.... Just old age.

Almost KO for past 2days. 颓废, but真的几爽. Eat, sleep, watch tv, eat, sleep..... 什么都不做.... 等着肥死........ 


Back to reality and work tmr. 


Good luck.

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