Saturday, July 14, 2018

RaYous's 3rD BdaY

it's my little man's 3rd bday!!!

held a simple celebration for him at the nsrcc bungalow w both sides of the families..

it's actually a corporate bungalow and i tot if i win the ballot, then i shall hold a celebration for him. if not, it'll just be a simple celebration. so, quite lucky to have won the ballot. haha.

well, personally, beside full month and 1yo, i think 3yo is also an important milestone becuz.... 三岁定八十!!! yep, so must celebrate!!

my little man!!

3yo liaoooo!!! will never forget the day when i brought him home from tmc.... inside the car.. holding his little head in my hand.... hahahhaah

it was a bbq celebration, but, no photo of the bbq session that night! diaoo.. too bz liao i guess, so no pics of the bbq we had.. 

yeah, the red car... a present from the daddy to him..... honestly, only the daddy is willing to spend the money to buy that car... 我就真的不舍得了..

happy with all the presents!!

yeap, the bungalow was available to us from sunday to thurs. but we only stayed till wed, cuz dont wanna take so many days leave la.  so total, we stayed there for 4d3n. 

day 2 morning... a drive around the resort.. 

the best part was, we could still sneak out for a good swim and tan while the boys take their afternoon nap! 

shiooookkk lah

the pool is very big and empty!! darn nice to swim there..

ok, kor kor is very stingy.. doesnt really share the toys w didi... so poor didi, can only use the car when kor kor is not around.. 

the food for the bbq was ordered online. it was a package good for 15-20pax, but worrying that the food may not be enough, i added on some ala-carte orders. in the end, proven to be way too much! we had soo much leftovers ok! 

so for the 2nd day dinner, we decided to do steamboat to clear some of the food. hahaa. but becuz otah, satay, stingrays are not meant for steamboating ma, so we still had to top-up some ingredients, which we bought from the fairprice at changi airport. 

tada! not bad right.... 

the bungalow is quite equipped. got cutleries for 8pax, got 1 electric stove, 1 pot, 1 electric kettle, microwave, fridge, freezer. really not too bad.. 

then day 3 morning... took the boys to swim..

and lunch that day was at jumbo restaurant inside the resort. tried their dim sum, not bad. 

and that day afternoon, i went for a swim again. love it la. big pool, empty, music... i literally had the pool all to myself.. really v shiook leh. if only i could lead such a life everyday..... awwww.. 

ok, dinner that night was bbq again! to clear off all the food! 

yes, really ordered too much liaoox. 

and this time round, i did the bbq-ing myself! chef ping at work! LOL

actually i love to bbq food. really. 

yep, in the end, managed to finish all the food except for some otahs and 1 packet of crab meat. heng ahh! but a bit of wastage on the otahs la, cuz all half-cooked (not enough charcoal liao!) and had to be thrown away... 

ok, on the check-out day! 

one last pic before we go off..

overall the stay is not bad la. our unit is super convenient, just opposite the reception and very near to the pool. the things inside the bungalow are a bit old, but still acceptable. it was quite dirty the first time we stepped in, so lucky the maid was there to clean the whole place up. but becuz there are 2 levels, it can be quite irritating to have to keep climbing the stairs... and of cuz, not to mention the creepy crawlies especially at night..... well, i guess, 'ang-moh chu' are all like that lor. so, landed ppties, 好看不好吃。。哈哈哈。吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。LOLL.

it was rayous's actual birth day when we checked out. so, bought a cake to celebrate the actual day w him. 

yeah, happy birthday my little boy!

happy with all the presents... 

loveeeee uuuuuuu! 

last yr my wish for him was to wean off his tutu, which he did (after that incident in taiwan, really!!) !!! 

so this yr, my wish for him, is to potty trained ok!!! 


jiayou boy! 

want to pee and poo, tell me before it happens ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


again, mummy wishes u to be a healthy and happy boy ok! 

loveeeeeeeeeeee uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! 

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