Monday, August 15, 2022

 Went to the Natas fair ytd. 

Woah, so so so many pple! 

Initially tot it was the post covid effect, but reached there liao then remembered even before covid, the Natas situation was also damn bad. Ha. 

Yea, we booked a trip to Korea this year end!! 

Will again be travelling with Hong Thai. 3rd time with them liao. First time was to China, 2nd time was to Europe, and now Korea.


And I really damn damn chuiz.

When payment time, then remembered my uob card has expired and i do not have the new card with me.

So never mind lor, pay by stand chart lor. 

Happily presented my card, just to be informed moments later, that the card was declined. 

Alamak! Even the stand chart card also expired liao!!!

Really walau eh leh!!!

See. 平时heck care, 到要用的时候就麻烦了。

That's the problem with me, really!

In the end used citi card. Lucky still can redeem the big luggage that hubb wanted. Initially we see the poster, all redeemed for citibank liao, that's y we wanted to use other cards. Who knows, they are able to give out vouchers for us to redeem at the shop on another day. 

Say earlier la, then can save the uob and stand chart card episodes! Ha
But still lose out on the mahattan card rebate lor. 

Anyways, I went home and activated all my new cards liao. 


And really don't know how much transactions went on during the Natas fair xia. U can see so many pple collecting all the luggages... Then all the tour agencies and banks come and 抢摊. Lol

OK, Dec wb quite happening. Going genting followed by Korea. 


At the expense of a big hole in my pocket. 


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