Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Busy WeekEnD

the weekend that just passed was really a busy and hectic one. the 2 days were already packed when we got to know that natas fair was also on over the weekend! and so, we still had to sqz time to visit the natas.. win manz.

sat morning and afternoon was visit to the sea aquarium. cant change that, cuz a friend is coming along, and not nice to fly him aeroplane at the last min. and so, we proceeded. 

quite a big place, think we spent about 3hr+ inside. quite interesting actually, cuz many special kinds of fish, never seen before.

the very accomodating diver. lol. 

some really special species... look just like worms... eek..

many pple, had to 'queue' to look at the species.... and, we happened to witness someone's proposal. LOL. big money spent man. and then we realised that day was 1march2014 ie. 1314. cool.

oh, and the parking at rws during our stay there was an exorbitant $22! hoho.

after aquarium, was to meet our wedding coordinator at mbs, to take a look at skypark and if there are any good spots to take our photo shoot... and, there was IT show at mbs!! darnnn sooo difficult to find a parking lot lah!

and after that, we went for massage and supper... and finally get to sleep at 3am+.. o man.


sunday was just as busy. supposed to go to the salon to dye hair in the morning, but that did not happen, as we decided to go to the natas fair instead.

and at expo, the parking was really terrible too!! worse than mbs! darn looong q just to get into the carpark. in the end, we parked nearby bedok mrt and took a train to expo instead. real crap leh! wasted so much time just on the road...

and.. yes.. we managed to book our honeymoon package to Europe! woohooo. going with hong thai, the same agency that we engaged for the china trip years back. actually, I really wanted to go to more exotic destinations like Africa, Bhutan......... but well.... better not be too daring.. heheh

and then, it was ultimate mad rush to our bridal shop to do the fitting for the photo shoot. despite the mad rush, we were still an hour late for the appmt! oh my.....

and after the fitting, was back home to celebrate little yaya's bday!

happy happy birthday yaya!!!

and, im on leave, all the way till Monday. really need some time to rest and enjoy preparing for the wedding photo shoot and the wedding itself. work is really getting the toil of me.. am soooo glad to be able to take a little break, to take a little time...  and ....... just BREATH!


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