Monday, August 1, 2022

Start of a new month and back to the gym!!!!! 

After a hiatus of almost 2.5yrs!!! 

 If I remb correctly, my last visit was here, before the gyms were made to close in march 2020.

Woah, surreal!!

Nothing much has changed in the gym, except that the lifts that lead us to L2 where the gym is located, has changed sides. 

And, they no longer provide cups... So have to bring ur own bottle. 

And... To my disappointment and astonishment and dismay..... I was not able to follow through the 45mins class as easily as I thought I would be able to!

Half way thru already damn 喘and tired.. Towards the end, mostly gei siao go thru the moves nia.

O. M. G

What have I been doing these 2.5yrs?

Thought I still have been exercising quite regularly at home?????

So why the underperformance just now?

Tian ahhhh

Need to buck up liao!!! 

Esp when the number on the scale is silently creeping up. 

W. T. F. 

Really happy to be back. 

And after gym, tabao at the hawker centre and go back eat. 

Much cheaper option than dining out at the aircon places. 


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