Thursday, March 26, 2020


Despite the efforts in temperature taking, reducing the class size, having designated spaces in the rooms....... The worst still happened..... 

Closure of the gyms!!!!! 


It really wasn't easy to come to where I'm today. Tough the scale isn't showing, I really do feel my fitness level has improved. In the past, I honestly don't think i was able to do what I'm doing now. 

And now, got to come to a halt liao. 


And the condo facs also closed liao, only left the pool.... But how to go swim when the 2boys are around? And so cold to swim at night leh.. 

Or perhaps can still run at the tpy track during lunchtime, but under the big hot sun.......? 

Or run at some safra or cc gym (also don't know if they are closed or not...). 

Siannn... Really siannn..... 

But well, at least now no need to struggle and mad rush liao. Just go for normal lunch and come back. 


Stay stress and be fat. 


Very good.

Oh.. And what's going to happen to the instructors, personal trainers and the staff?? No income liao. And the gyms probably still have to pay the hefty rental despite not collecting membership fee from us anymore. 

Wah. Really jialek this time. 


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