Monday, January 31, 2022


 Last day of the month! 

And also last day of the lunar 2021!!!

Yes, its 除夕!!! 

Réunion dinner at our house! 

Last year we ordered peng cai... 

This year, we ordered mini buffet!

From Stamford Catering, the same caterer we used in 2020 bash... Yeah, really a bash back then.... Don't know when can hold such party again.... 

Everything nicely packed! 

Wheee! Really very convenient! 干净利落!

The food portion is much bigger than what we had expected...! To think that I still ordered extra ha jeong chicken, for fear that there is not enough food... Ha. In the end, so much leftovers.. 

Only can have 5visitors, so hubb's eldest bro and sis in law gave it a miss. 

Last year still can 8pax... But this year... Aiiiii

Yu sheng! 

My first yu sheng for the year!!!! 

Huat ahh!! 

Now waiting for countdown.... 

And yet to bao the angbows yet.. 


Huat huat to a great year OK!!!

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