Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Woohooo, back date to the 5th and 6th yusheng!

DIY abalone yusheng! 

Yeah, sensitive period.. must avoid raw food now right... Kekekke. 

A cny celebration cum mini house warming

Food catered from stamford catering

And lion dance! 

We engaged the same lion dance troupe that we had engaged back in 2018, but apparently the troupe that came is different from the one that we engaged. Think they 'sub con' out.. 

But honestly, this group is much more professional than the one we had in 2018.

the 财神爷also more professional

The confetti! 

Huat ahh! 

Yep, this is the troupe. Next time maybe can engage them direct. 

Yep. That's all for now. 

Stay tune for the 2nd session at the function room! 

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