Wednesday, January 12, 2022

回顾2021, 展望2022!

 alamak, 2nd week into 2022 liao, then write 回顾展望.... lol

ok, 回顾 first. 

1) no travel, but went on 5 staycays! lol. no fish, prawns also good! 

2) went back to office to work... for 1 week.... before it was halt again. yay! so, almost full wfh for the whole of 2021.

3) rayous graduated from the pre-school!!! 

4) rayous took up piano lessons 

5) both boys started taekwondo lessons 

6) i crossed the 1st year mark with the current maid. pat on my shoulder! 

7) and the covid19 restrictions.... 走走停停, 停停走走....... 8pax, 5pax, 2pax, no dine-in..... dont know how many times liao, until im also confused already.......... 

8) took up covid19 vaccination! hoho 

ehhhhh, thats about all le ba.......?

overall, 2021 has also been a good year la. generally still a covid year lor. happy to be still able to wfh and go for staycay once in a while. 

ok, come 2022!!! many things gonna happen.... 

1) rayous going to P1 and starting formal education!!! ok wor, so far so good wor! just hope he can be a happy and enthu learner. 

2) raythorous k1, and starting at a new centre. 1st few days did come home and kbkb abit, but so far ok liao. just keep asking us to fetch him earlier. lol 

3) rayous will be starting piano with a new teacher. ya, we find his current progress is a little slow, so decided to change him to a private teacher, instead of school. will be starting in feb with the new teacher. hopefully for the better and he can achieve some grades soon.

4) hope both boys can persevere in their taekwondo trainings and attained some grades too. 

5) oh, also planning to start both of them on swimming lessons. shall source for a coach soon.... 

6) no travel plans, and cannot anyohow go for staycay liao, have to wait for holidays liao. but staycay for raythorous's bday, which so nicely happened to be a long wkend, is in the plan! 

7) work wise, was told that we should be returning to office after cny, and on alternate week basis. well.... hope it will never materialise. lol 

8) there should be some good news for work.... this, i really hope will materialise. good luck! 

9) and..... just when im secretly proud of myself that my maid passed the 1yr mark, she threw bomb on us, saying that she wants to go back home and wants to leave in march. win lor. to be honest, 有挫败感. cuz this time, i really thought i finally can have a maid who completes her 2yr contract with me. alas!! well, i guess that's life lor. so now, abit dilemma liao, dont know to hire again or not. ya, so.... stay tune to see what happened eventually. well, at least she served notice, we still have some time to think through... and lucky she's ok to stay until cny is over... 算她还有良心.... ha.

10) and though no more gymming, i have continued my exercise routine at home. hope i can continue to keep it up!!!! lol

yup, lots to look forward to in 2022. hope it will be a good year, and everyone to be safe, healthy and happy ok!! 

jiayou! fighting!!

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