Monday, January 3, 2022

RayThoRous's 1sT DaY @ NeW CenTrE

Haha, Raythorous's 1st day at a different branch! 

Yup, same childcare, but different branch. One that is closer to our house than the jurong east branch..... 

And not too bad! He was OK despite being at a new centre. Lol. Kudos!!! 

No idea why, but Mr rayous will only start school tmr. And if I'm not wrong, only P1 starts tmr. The other levels will start on Wed.

So, took him out with the folks! 

Tried out this steamboat buffet - goro goro - at centrepoint. 

Not bad leh. The mala soup almost comparable to beauty in the pot. The collagen definitely not as good. Food wise maybe not as fresh as beauty in the pot, but not too bad also. 

And the price, much cheaper wor. Kekekke

After that shop shop for a long while. Very fruitful. Haha. 

And tmr..... Rayous 1st day at primary school liao!!! 



Oh... And.. 
Some bad (or perhaps, good?) news....   


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