Saturday, August 7, 2021

Now, don't say I'm a lousy employer OK!! 

I got celebrate my maid's bday one hor!!!! 

*face censored to protect privacy. Lol*

Though cannot see the face, u can still 'see' how happy she is from her body language right. Lolllll

and still got present hor.... 

 Pls don't take the Poh Heng box for real. I'm just using the box. The content is not from Poh Heng. Obvious right...


Actually, this set of accessories quite 有意思。I had actually wanted to buy it long ago, for my previous maid. Yup. Actually wanted to buy these for her for Xmas, who knows, before Xmas can arrive, 我们就玩完liao....

Haix. 没缘分。

So, hopefully, with this maid, we 有缘分OK!

Actually not the 1st time I celeb bday for maids liao. I also bought a cake to celeb for my 1st maid.

2nd and 3rd, too short a tenure to reach their bday. 

4th, her bday was on a Sunday and she requested for off day. So, I just gave her a present, no celeb.

And now this maid. 

See, I really am not too bad de OK.. 是她们不懂得珍惜我。。。。。


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