Wednesday, August 18, 2021

FullertoN StayCaY DaY 2 - 11 July 2021

Continuation of our staycay at Fullerton during Rayous's bday

Yep, that time was still the 2pax dine in rules, so we still had to separate table. Damnn lame. 

In fact that day was the last day of the 2pax rule. Keke. 

The food choices are definitely not as good as rasa sentosa. Really spoilt for choices at rasa sentosa. 

Here quite standard, like nasi lemak, laksa, English bf.. Only a few choices to choose from, and each order is a regular set.

So if u order one set, already is quite full liao. 

Then we feedbacked and was told that we can actually ask for a smaller portion. And we can also just order certain item from the set. Eg, nasi lemak. If u just want the chicken meat, also can. Or just want the eggs only also can. Or English breakfast, but just want the bacon, also can. Yup, but still quite limited la, I feel. 

After that, back to room for some photo taking b4 going to...... 

SenToSa Adventure Cove!! 

Whoot. I tell u, its a haven inside! Nobody wears mask!!!!! (except staff la) 

If u wear a mask inside, u r the odd pill! Lol

Really wondered why garment allow this to continue operation. Totally mask off one leh. Wow. 

And... That day was a rainy day. The rain was so bad, that we all had to sqz in this open air restaurant. Lucky got 2 levels, and the people managed to space out a bit. But still crowded lor. Quite funny the scene... Everyone scantily dressed, cold like some wet ducks.. Hahaha. 

And waited for damn long before the rain stopped and they finally decided to resume the attractions. So much time wasted waiting xia. 

Overall OK la. The boys, as usual, keen on a few rides only. Still long q, despite claimed on capacity capped. 

Actually go these kind of parks also quite sian. Rainy day also sian, but if super hot, also sian. Esp for water parks, cuz likely not wearing any footwear, then the feet will burn when queuing... Ha. 

And then.... What's for dinner??! 


Super ultimate junk food!!! Lolll.

Really no choice la. Separate table and eat outside really super lame la. And, long long time since we indulged in these, once in a while, should be fine right. Heheheheh

And what the hell... All the while I tot this 辛 cup noodle is made in Korea??!!! 


Disappointing xia. 

No wonder the taste also kns. 

Still nissin is the best I feel. 

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