Sunday, August 22, 2021

Blogging live again, from the Senja-Cashew cc, where I just had my 2nd jab! 

Now 30mins under obs.. 


Chose 1 of the latest slot (8pm), perhaps thats why much fewer pple than my 1st dose

Good. Jab liao go home can sleep liao. 


Hubb had been trying to force me to push my 2nd jab earlier, else, the longer I drag, the longer we cannot dine at indoors. 

I also contemplated having the 2nd dose earlier, but in the end, still stick to today la. 4 weeks gap is a nice gap, I feel. Lol. 

Anyways, went temple pray pray just now... Before we dined at the nearby coffeeshop. 

Ya... Really 2 by 2 OK! Ha. 

OK. Wish me luck post 2nd dose. 

Hear-say only the young ones will have the more serious side effects.

Shall see if I'm still 'the young ones'. 


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