Tuesday, August 10, 2021



Happily went to this restaurant wanting to have dimsum for lunch....... 

Only to be rejected caused I am not fully vaccinated!

Wah lau eh!! 

Then the whole restaurant staring at me like I'm some weird shit....... Knnnn

Ok la, exaggerated abit la. But I did see heads turning to see me kenna rejected. 


So now, not vaccinated cannot dine in at F&B establishments at all?! Regardless one pax or two pax?! 

T. M.D

And to make it worse, we were at some ulu neighbourhood with no coffeeshop or hawker centre! 

And I was too hungry to travel any further! 

In the end, taobao nasi lemak from one small little takeaway shop and ate in the car. 

Angry leh. Why like that?!! 

 Outright ostracise! 


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