Tuesday, January 19, 2021

回顾 2020, 展望2021


回顾 2020, 展望2021!

2020... really an unprecedented year!

but i must say, 2020 ended much better than 2019

towards end of 2019, it really was nightmare with the MIL's accident. 

since her accident, everyday was a pure mad rush for us. 

and, i was so worried about how to cope with this mad rush and stress in the long run. 

who knows, 4months into 2020, and wfh liao!!! no more mad rush!!! 


and remb this hubb had a business trip scheduled somewhere in apr2020? i was also damn stress about that, cuz i really dont know how to cope without him ferrying us around. and who knows...... came a COVID19 that destroyed all his travel plans. 


so, i really really realised that one really dont have to worry too much in life.

ok, so come the 回顾..


1) we only travelled to lego land in jan. actually on hindsight, we were really lucky not to have planned any travels. cuz usually we very kiasu and will plan way in advance. but this time round, cuz of hubb's biz travel in apr, we did not plan any personal travel. heng ah. else most likely wb cancelled and dont know can get any refund or not. 

2) returned back to tpy office to work after a good N years!! surreal!

3) working from home! OMG. literally dream comes true! 

4) the loooongest period away from office. wheeez!

5) CB period! 

6) have to start wearing masks, safe entry and temp taking everywhere we go, no more buffet spread, no more big gatherings, no more travels.

7) no more gym.... ultimate sad. 

8) change of maid (again). ya, thanks.

9) rayous K1!! and nope, we did not participate in any parent volunteer thingie. apparently, the school did not require any parent volunteer, likely due to COVID19. but anyway, we are likely to enrol him in another sch instead. so.. yah.

10) didi N1! improving everyday!

11) oh oh! and began to be addicted to online shopping... shopee! 

ok, 来... 2021!!!

1) likely still no travel ba. good also. save lotsa money!!

2) rayous K2. OMG.. the 老大 in the school liao! to think that we started letting him to go school with a 'play play' mentality... who knows... blink of an eye.. K2 liao!!

3) Didi N2! and... he has stopped his finger sucking habit le! all thanks to an ultra big spider - really ultra big - that we spotted at home! i took the opportunity to scare him, telling him that the spider has been biting him (he will have red rashes around his mouth at times) and will continue to bite him if it smells the saliva on his finger and face. and from then onwards, he really doesnt dare to suck again! LOL!!!

4) sighhh. what now seemed to be my resolution every year - no more maid changing ok. sighhhhhhhhhh 

5) promotion freeze. so, no hope for promo liao. haiz. and bonus..... also dont hold high hope le la. still got job happy liao. ha. 

6) hopefully can continue to wfh for the whole year!!! fingers crossed! 

7) and hopefully, to resume my gym again. ho.

wah.. looks like nothing much to 展望 in 2021 hor.. 

ok la, just remain safe and happy, for myself and everyone around me, 就好 ok. 

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