Saturday, January 9, 2021

NeW YeaR EvE

yay, ny eve! 

off at 3pm... and... off to mount faber to take cable car!! 

tada! from mt faber to sentosa. 

think is raythorous's 1st time. for rayous, he already took cable car before, when we travelled to HK a few yrs back. but he cant remember la, so young back then. lol 

and then dinner at RWS

RWS was generally quiet i feel.... and sentosa.. dont know isit no more tourists.. the upkeeping was quite bad..... the toilets were horrible.. omg.

look at my little beng

my two 宝贝s....

pattern 很多

after that was a visit to mum's place. 

before we headed home. last yr din managed to count down. this year did liao!! both boys were already fast asleep when we reached home.. so only hubb and me counted down. 


and yeah, all virtual celebrations. 

really what a 2020!!

ok, will blog about the 回顾 and 展望 in a separate post yeah!

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