Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Ya, I really shouldn't be advertising for people.

But there is this really famous 烧蜡stall at yuhua market which always attract queue way b4 it starts business at 9am.

We have been saying to try queuing for it during our off days, but nah so far. 

And today, surprisingly, it already started business when we were at the market after dropping the boys off. 

And... The q was not that long! 

So, we hurriedly went to q. 

Spot me! 

Oh yes, 我真的有 tanned。oh man. 

Yup, though short q, still have to q for a while.. Only 2 person running the stall.. 

And finally!! 

OK.. The verdict.. Actually so so nia la. 

The charsiew is nice la.. But I think loaded with sugar, cuz v sweet. So sweet till the noodle also became sweet. 

Ya.. So abit weird to be tasting sweet noodle. 


Really so so la. 

And today, kenna caught committed another grave mistake at work. 





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