Thursday, January 23, 2020

回顾2019, 展望2020


halfway into jan already and i still havent write the 回顾 and 展望....

ok, 回顾 first..

2019 was probably one of the most happening year for us, less the years that we got married and gave births.

the most important thing that took place, was of cuz us shifting house. 

well, it all started with a notion..... and maybe.. backside itchy. ok, shall blog about the moving house thingie in a separate post.

next, 2019 also made us experience the full blast reality of being working parents. yep, what was supposed to be 1week, turned out to be indefintely, with MIL's accident. yep, so that really threw us into the reality - everything back on our shoulder with no additional help in taking care of the children liao. so, really mad rush everyday. wake up, prepare them, send them to school, go to work, knock off, fetch them from school, go home, dinner, prepare to sleep.... 

OMG. totally no more me time or pak-tor time. =(

lucky at work, the superiors arent so particularly abt me coming in late and knocking off early. and lucky didi is of schooling age. if he's still a baby, then i probably really will have to resort to no pay leaves liao.

ok la, stop complaining le la. MIL helping was already a bonus in the very 1st place. 

ok next, the maid. in my 2019 post, i had stated that, in my very own words:

i will by all means, ensure my this new maid will stay with me for at least 1 full year! 

yes, no more maid changing! i promise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok, i admit, this did not happen. because i was foolish enough to try out a filippina who eventually ran away. woohoo! happening right?

that bugger... 

anyway, after that bugger, we changed to a myanmar maid and she has been with us since april2019. coming to 1yr soon. so far still bearable, but i really close all my eyes liao. yep, so just pray yeah. 

then, we also went on our melbourne trip, genting trip, argean paradise and legoland. LOL. 

and, im still actively keeping up with my gym workout! woohoo! though no significant changes on the scale, i do feel some changes in the body shape. LOLLL. yep, so will continue to jiayou! 

ohoh, and 2019 was also the year that didi started school. and it was also the year that rayous contracted hfmd and eventually passed to didi who also kenna it. 


ok, come 2020. 

no travel plans so far. hubb is scheduled to be travelling for work in late march/early april to perth. we can follow him if we want, but to perth again?? and he's on a biz trip, so on most days, i likely will be alone with the boys.... in perth?? urm..... but if we dont go, i still will have to take leaves, else it will be mad rush for me alone to bring them to school, then go to work, then rush back to fetch them..... duh... 

and if i already take leaves for this, then likely i will not have enough leaves for another trip liao. so also dont know how.... sianz. 

work-wise, hopefully can get a promo this yr. though unlikely, but still hope for the best lor. work so far so good la, still bearable. so unlikely to have major changes. 

and didi will attain his 3yo milestone.. hopefully he can be more stable and child-like rather than baby-like. haha. and hopefully he can stop the habit of sucking his thumb. boohoo.

and rayous, 5yo, K1 liao!! OMG. if we want to do parent volunteer, 2020 will be the year liao! shall c how. 

and the maid, hopefully can shun shun stay with us till at least 2yrs contract ends. 

and of cuz i will continue (hopefully) w my gym regime. 

other than that, nothing much le la. 

lie low, save money, maintain healthy!! take good care of myself, take good care of those around me. and relax and chill, mai gun chong ok! 

all the very best for a huat 2020!


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