Sunday, April 5, 2020


Really 是赶尽杀觉。

Since gym closure, I resorted to jogging at the open space and also swimming at the pool at night. 

Yes, thanks to hubb and the boys who could still spare me some me-time. Lol

All the facs already closed, basically only left the pool. 

But alas, after Friday's announcement, the pool will also now be closed wef 7apr. 


So one last swim this late morning 

And one last pool play w the boys on sat

Bye bye pool for now. 

Nvm. I can still go for a run downstairs. 


Life seemed to have come to a stop. 

Quite scary really. 

But alas, still bau at work for me. Yes, I still have to travel to work. Don't ask me why. 


OK. Wonder what's going to happen on Tues onwards. 

And wed, school closure. Also don't know if we can qualify and still send the boys to school.

Hubb is gernerally wfh. But how to wfh and take care of the 2boys at the same time?

Perhaps got to ask mil and fil over also liao. 


Real jialek. 

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