Saturday, April 18, 2020


going to fairprice used to be such a therapy..

yes yes yes, i know v auntish. but as age advances, its really quite an enjoyment to shop in grocery shops and pharmacies. 


but now, it's really like a battle ground in fairprice. 

gotta q to get in, then so crowded inside, then gotta q to pay and when u wanna shop and take something, it's always blocked by someone in the q. 


so, it's quite a nightmare to go fairprice now and with the current situation, u definitely do not want to go ever so often. 

but yet, they go set the limit on the purchases. 

i mean i totally understand that they do not want pple to stockpile. but the limit should also be reasonable ba. i just got rejected for meat >$30. like.. wtf?

just to put things in perspective. now in this CB period, we r all 'trapped' at home right. so, 3 meals all settle at home right. so usually, we will cook 2 meals - bf and/or lunch, and dinner. 

each meal, will consist of 1 meat. so each day, we will need 2 pcs of meat. 1 pc of pork meat is approx $5, so, if i can only buy $30 worth of meat, i can only buy 6pcs. and that means, the meat can only last me 3days. 

so now.... they r expecting us to go fairprice every 3days?? abit counter-intuitive right, when they are encouraging us to go out as less often as possible. 

and, how can the limit for veg and the limit for meat be the same???

1 packet of veg only $1.50 maybe? so, who in the right mind will buy 20 packets of veg in one go??? and not to mention meat can freeze and keep, but veg cannot. 

see.. really leh. doesnt make sense de.

and must be even more sian for pple with big family.... mayb really still have to go every day. 

sianxxxxx. so troublesome to go out now..... but yet cannot go 1x and buy all required for 1 week.... 


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