Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Happy 3rD BirThDaY RayThoRous!!

it's didi's 3rd bday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have said previously that 3yo is a milestone, becuz once reached 3yo, the child really 'stabilize' alot as compared to earlier yrs. so, when rayous reached 3yo, we threw a mini bash for him.

and i swear swear sweaaaaar that we had wanted to do the same for didi. went to book the company's chalet, in the end, was informed that the chalet booking has been closed. subsequently, the COVID19 situation got worse, until i also dont dare to book any chalet liao... 

then we thought to celebrate it at our function room/bbq.. who knows, subsequently, function room/bbq also closed for booking.

then nvm, we will just hold it at home ok. and then who knows.... no more gathering of more than 10pax. 

ok, nvm, we then tot perhaps just ask MIL and FIL over for a super mini celeb.... but who knows..... NO CROSS-VISITING AND NO GATHERING OF ANY SIZES! 

wah laoooo ehhhhhhh. really 一波多折 lehh!

and worse..... came the extended circuit breaker, where bakeries and cake-manufacturing also became non-essential!! what primadeli la, four leaves la... all no more cakes ok!!!! 

just simply O.M.G.

so i was also quite upset that we are unable to give didi a decent cake... (but in the end, he received 4 cakes ok! read on!)

in the end, went google where still selling cakes.... and saw breadtalk still selling. but limited choices, mainly only the 'toilet roll' cake or some other flavours which i dont like. 

but where got pple bday cut toilet-roll cake one??? abit duh right... 

in the end, settled on this sponge cake. 

but, i was also worried that the sponge cake is really small and 'un-cake' like.... so to play safe, i ordered the toilet roll cake as well, just as a back up... 

and i also bought a packet of decorations to decorate the cakes.... 


the boys decorating the toilet-roll cake.. lol 


and then this morning itself, i received a link that shares where are still selling cakes. though still selling, most need advance order. until i tried this ritz carlton hotel and they can order and deliver the same day! so i happily ordered!!!

and tada! the 3rd cake! ritz carlton de hor. dont play play!!

but but but, the sweetest cake, will be this surprise delivery from my dear ah ji and family! so so so sweeeet! such a pleasant surprise! (btw, the 'happy bday' is i write one using the decor pack from breadtalk, juz in case u all wondering y so unpro.. LOL)

and so, though no big bash, my dear didi has got 4 cakes to celebrate with ok!!

My cheeky boys  

and this little boy... got one present only... LOL.... sorry la, all shops closed... cannot do any shopping la... promise to make it up ok! 

And pizza for dinner! 

happy happy birthday my boy!! 

wishing you good health, grow up fast, be happy and safe ok!!

and and and....

please stop your thumb sucking habit ok!!!!!!!!!!!

Loveeeee you boyyy! 

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