Friday, October 18, 2019

woah, this past week had been madness. 

started with last friday when hubb had to take urgent half day leave to fetch the didi from school to c doc. he vomitted a few times and complaint of stomach pain, so the school called and told us to fetch him. 

then sat, my turn to be unwell. totally unwell. so bad so that i slept the whole day. literally! 

then sunday, didi got better, but it was rayous's turn to fall sick! stomach flu, caught from didi. and rayous got it worse off, cuz didi kind of recovered within a day or 2. but rayous was quite bad. 

so in the end, rayous and I MC together on mon and tues. lucky he was still ok enough to go for the school's annual photoshoot, b4 i went to fetch him back after the photoshoot. 

really really OMG. 

and this time, my sickness really is no kidding. it started around mid sept and i immediately went to see doctor liao. but never got better. then i went to this doctor at boon lay whom i always visit, cuz i always will recover after taking his drugs. who knows, this time round, it did not work. then i went to him a 2nd time, again, it did not work. then i went to him a 3rd time when he finally gave me antibiotics, but after completing the course...... MY NOSE WAS STILL STUCK LIKE MAD SHIT. 

so, on wed, after back to work from MC, i went to another clinic during lunch time.

this doctor originally did not want to give me any antibiotic also, until she asked if my head felt heavy if i were to nod my head down. i told her not only does my head felt heavy, but my upper tooth and gum also felt some sensation... and that was when she finally diagnosed me with sinusitis. 

gave me more antibiotics, anti-congestion tablets, and 2 sprays. and only now then i am feeling better, and my nose is finally unblocked (though still running... duh)

all in all almost 1 month ok! 

super kua zhang lor. 

i think the doctors nowadays super scare to prescribe antibiotics. honestly, if the boon lay doctor had given me antibiotics much earlier, i doubt it would drag to this stage lor. and probably if i had just taken MC earlier to rest.... oh well. 

and being unwell is really sian.. having no appetite for anything is really siann.... 

really, one really must be healthy. no kidding.

and lucky this time round, back to work, bulk of the work had been farmed out and cleared by co-colleagues. 



always having these kind of crisis once every few months. 

tolong ahh.. 

already no support from MIL.... 

pls dont have soo many crisis anymore ok. 


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