Saturday, October 26, 2019

Finally a PH and long weekend!

OK, we r still surviving. 

Just really sian that have to wake up earlier, off work earlier, rush like mad to pick the boys, and no more 'after work life'.

And the poor boys... One of the first to reach the school, and most of the times, the last to go home. Literally. After we picked them, the teachers off the lights and pang kang liao. So far we still managed to keep it before 7pm... Pray xia. 

Lucky 2 of them, not only 1. At least kor kor got Didi, Didi got kor kor, not so sad, still can run and play w each other. Imagine only 1 poor boy waiting all alone.....

But on the brighter side, its really 早睡早起lor. Hopefully healthier and better skin.


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