Monday, September 11, 2017

Sea N Blue @ Marina Bay Sands

Just realised I did took pics of the food we had at sea and blue where we celebrated our 3rd wedding anni..

Tada! The must have sashimi and oysters! Don't call it an international buffet if it doesn't serve either of this.


And then they also got this Korean station whereby the meat are bbq at request.

Beef and dimsum. Haha. 中西合并。

And crabs! Got the jap long legged crabs also.. but we too full to eat any liao.


Not too bad for a restaurant standard, though the staff can be a bit more attentive.

And as said... 我对buffet是又爱又恨。

 Actually 恨more la. Cuz soo many things to eat, yet the tummy space is limited. Many things want to eat but really too full liao. 硬塞,in the end 又很guilty. 



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