Friday, September 22, 2017


ok, so still working on my bday. wanted to take leave but really too many things on hand to take liao. so in the end went back to work and took the early off at 4.30pm instead (yeah, entitled to 1 early off per month...) 

为什么我总是放不下????? why cant i just f**k care, drop and gooooo??!

anyway, after work wanted to go for a good massage... but in the end did not too... 


in the end, simple dinner at hao cai popiah...

and then back home to cut cake

i think as u grow older, bday really not such a big deal liao. used to look forward, but now, it's just like any other day. especially after becoming a mum. honestly, bday should be a celebration for the mum as well. N yrs ago, she had gone thru the labour to give birth to u ok! 

anyway, happy bday to me! 

be happy and healthy always, ok


and at the annual 喊标 activity. 

we managed to 标 the 2 packets of rice as planned, though over our budget. but it's ok la. jiak heng heng ok!

hopefully eat liao all the good good huat huat things will come. 


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