Sunday, June 11, 2017

RayThoRous's Full MonTh ParTy

yay! raythorous's 1st milestone - first month! hahahaha

we decided to hold the party off-site this time round. during rayous's time, it was more like a baby shower cum house-warming, cuz at that time, not many pple had visited our house before, so took the chance to 'open-house' our house, haha. also, as 1st-time mum, i really dont know what to expect when bringing a newborn out. so, better to hold the event at home. and not to mention that there was no good location back then (jurong safra was fully booked back then..)

but this time round, different liao ma. no more 菜鸟妈妈! hhahahaha. so more ready to bring baby out. and so, we held the party at jurong safra, as suggested by hubb once again..

as usual, balloons..........

and more balloons........

DIY eggs and 'party stand'. much less effort than during rayous's time, when i DIY so many things. LOL. 

tada! the star of the day! 

the proud mama. kekekeke


during rayous's party, i had wanted to take pics with everyone, but in the end did not managed to, becuz the place was cramp and there were so many pple, that i was also quite 乱 myself. i also remb my back was still aching at that time, so also not much mood to walk around and take pics. in fact, i think i din get to mingle alot also. only remembered being v busy only. in the end, only a few pics taken which i really regretted.  
so, this time round, i made sure that more pics are taken. in fact, i think i took pics with all the guests! yeaa! very happy! 

some of the pics.. 

yeah, this time round, it was a much bigger venue, so much easier to gather pple and take pics. 

and some of the food items from the caterer, the same 1 i used for my wedding and rayous's baby shower. during rayous's time, i dont think they provided the baby shower theme set-up, but now they do. 

yeah, all in all, very happy with the party this time round. hope the guests had enjoyed as much. 

ok, looking forward to his 1st bday! 

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