Tuesday, June 6, 2017

2nd PregNancY in SummaRy

ok.. my 2nd pregnancy..

1) honestly, this 2nd pregnancy wasnt a planned one. or at least, it wasnt planned to be so soon. simply, it was an accident. but, 老天原意赐,我们乐意收。多谢老天的怜爱。

2) tested positive sometime after our 2nd anniversary and before my bday. remb we went jb to celebrate our 2nd anniversary? and then we also went for massage? 说也奇怪, during the massage, i somehow got the vibes that i might be pregnant and was quite worried that the massage might do harm. haha.

3) same kind of morning sickness. but being the 2nd pregnancy, i was definitely more resilient and tough than the 1st time. i was also better off pyschologically. at least this time round, there is no kuku gynae around to scare me!

4) the worse worse thing that happened to me during this pregnancy was - constipation!!!yes, i never never NEVER had such bad constipation before! honestly, pooing has always been a breeze for me. therefore, i never knew having constipation is such a nightmare. the area around the anus is full and hard, but somehow, regardless how hard i pushed, the poo simply will not come out. pushed until sweat came out, tears came out, face turned red, legs went numbed, but.. the poo were still stuck in the anus. u cannot imagine that kind of helplessness. i remb one of the worse experience was after wl's wedding on xmas eve. went home and tummy ache, but just cannot poo out. im not exaggerating, but that night, i tried pooing for a few hours but to no avail. OMG. and not to mention how many times i was stuck in the office toilet trying to poo. haha. my colleagues must be thinking where i went skiving xia. keke.

but also maybe due to the experiences in constipation, that i managed to push the baby out so smoothly this time. LOL.

5) mood swings was another thing that was more serious in this pregnancy. yeah, i was quite emo at times and can just flare or break down.

6) same as 1st pregnancy, my bump was quite small. believe it or not, i did not make my pregnancy known to my office pple all the way till i was 7mths preggie! i only told them sometime after cny. LOL. no one notice ok! good hiding skills huh.

7) though bump was quite small initally, it got really big towards the end. i felt it was much bigger than 1st time. and towards the end, it definitely was tougher than the 1st pregnancy. felt heavier and more tired and no mood for almost anything!

8) though bump was bigger, surprisingly, i did not bloat as much as the 1st time. this time round, i could continue to wear my ring throughout the pregnancy, unlike the 1st time! and my feet also din bloat as kua zhang as the 1st time! happy!!!!!

9) being the 2nd pregnancy, sure not as gun chong as the 1st time. this time round, i din really drink the maternity milk and insist on eating 2 fruits per day liao. though i did try to eat alot of fruits at MIL's place la.. and the milk, i did buy a tin
.. but in the end only drank 1 or 2 cups nia.. wasted..... 

10) got a little bit of scare when baby's oscar results were not very ideal. the score did not pose a high risk, neither was it low risk. so we went ahead to do the paranoma test which costed like $1k+. woahh.

11) ok, total weight gained about 10kg, i think..? abt the same as 1st pregnancy.

yepp.. some of my preggie pics...

12) as can be seen, those conventional maternity dresses are not my cup of tea. i still prefer to wear tops and bottoms. and having bad experience of buying from online kuku shops, i decided to buy from more well-known shop this time round. most of my bottoms are from bove maternity - they have this really big outlet at suntec city. most of the tops are just normal L or XL sizes tops, not maternity tops per se, so can still wear even if not preggie. hehehee. and again, spent quite abit on these apparels. but nvm la, like i say, can still wear even if not preggie.

13) and im quite proud of myself.. becuz i still can carry rayous and still propped on the floor and change him/change diaper etc for him despite being so heavily pregnant. haha. 

yepppp.. looking forward to the 3rd one... 


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