Tuesday, April 4, 2017

yeap, so it's 1mth since rayous went to school. haha. 

ok, much better now. according to MIL, he stopped crying already and is ok to go in w his teacher already. and he picked up some 'dance' moves from school and he's also starting to greet his teacher 'teacher gie' (though the pronounciation not very zhui la). 

ok, so he's not that apprehensive anymore. 

yesterday we went to do a 'spot check' again. but we went at a wrong time, cuz it's the time when class exchanges (ie, english class change to chinese class). so apparently, rayous was crying cuz the teacher gie is leaving for another class and the chinese teacher took over. 

in the end, the teacher gie brought him along to the class that she was going. and when we peeped, he was sitting on her lap while she teaches the rest of the class dance moves. 


ok, at least rayous does like the teacher, as per what MIL observed and as per what the teacher claimed. 

but then, i kind of disagree that she brought him to another class instead of letting him stay in his own chinese class leh. 

i send him there to learn leh, not to be sticky and clingy to 1 particular teacher lehh... 

anyway, the teacher gie later explained that she seldom bring him to other classes. most of the time, when the chinese teacher take over, they will jus leave him there and he will cry for abt 10mins then stopped. 

o well. 

ok la. just believe loh. at least from MIL's observation, he has stopped crying when entering and leaving the school. and he's at least attached to 1 of the teacher (which i personally observed also). 

yah, so not so bad la. so long he stopped crying and is enjoying the classes. 

anyway, ive heard of so many stories abt how difficult it is to get to a pre-school. either no suitable ones or no vacancies. actually we do not have much requirement la. so long the overall environment is ok and comfortable, we are ok. afterall, we just want to expose him to pple outside the family and learn to socialise only. that's all. 

we did went recce for a few places previously. as said, we werent looking for a full day centre. so we checked out those 2 to 3hr playgroups at the neighbourhood, but all cmi la. 

then we also went to check out my first skool, but i tell u, the staff are quite unfriendly one loh. and the air-conditioned ones are all located in the shopping malls. those at the neigbourhood and near MIL's place are non-aircon. 

sparkle tots is not bad. despite both being government owned, sparkle tots staff are much friendlier & welcoming than my first skool staff. 

then we also checked out cherie hearts. cherie hearts is ok la, but the campus at jurong chevron abit messy and old and looks dark (maybe cuz it was sleeping time when we went to visit). then there was also a campus at hubb's workplace, so we were quite tempted already, until we came across this school which rayous is in now - just kids. 

i din know of this school initially. it was just random that hubb said that there's this school near the market at MIL's place, so we just went to take a look loh.

and i liked the place almost immediately. bright, clean, airy.. unlike cherie hearts. when we asked to tour the place, the staff also accommodated nicely (in the end, the staff who brought us around turned out to be the principal! so freaking young la..)

yah, so that was how we settled for just kids. also nearer to MIL's place. 

so far so good loh. except that the teachers apparently are mostly foreigners and not sg... ummmmmmmmmm...... i tot i remb the principal telling me that most of their staff are local?? no??

anyway, will continue to observe and see how loh. now just let him go there learn to play and interact, that's all. 

wait till really want him to learn and educate, then plan again bah - whether to change school or progress in the same school all the way till P1. 

still long way to go. 

a step by a time!

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