Thursday, April 27, 2017

woah, believe it or not... i just ate like 5 (or more?) seeds of durian.. uh-ohhh. so wrong when the gynae told me to avoid sweet stuff. but then i din eat much for dinner just now can justify.. 

 uhh.. excuses.. 

ok anyway.. 3rd day into my maternity leave and am still waiting! 


ok, looks like my 'feel' that baby will arrive earlier may not be so accurate afterall. 

and previously i was still quite worried that i'll get too sedentary during my maternity leaves while waiting for baby to arrive, but.... no way! 

becuz, i've brought mr rayous home since monday night. 


really gei kiang loh. 

bring him home means waking up early (becuz he wakes up early), preparing food for him, taking care of him, playing w him, bring him to school, bring him back, bath him etc etc etc......... 

it's almost no rest for me loh. haiz. 

so wrong for someone who is going to pop anytime. 

what to do. since im on leave myself, so dont wanna trouble MIL le la. also to give her more time to prepare for hubb's 2nd brother wedding which is in about 3 wks time. 

so 自己就辛苦一点了咯. 

but also good la. take this chance to bond w rayous. haha. and also to avoid being tooooooo sedentary. and if im alone at home, no food for me. at least now i have to force myself to go out and shun bian can eat outside. ha. 

just that bringing him to school is a chore la. cuz after we left him in school and eat lunch outside, it's about 3pm. so we r left with about 2hrs to spare before we have to pick him. 

2hrs really quite half-F.. how to spend 2hrs outside with nothing to do? really sit at the macdonald and read magazine for 2hrs meh? sit for long = backache. tell me to walk walk see see, i also no mood. 

so for past 2 days, after lunch, we went home by bus. which is equally bo liao, cuz by the time reached home already about 3.45pm. which means rest awhile and gotta leave house to pick him liao. 


and not to mention on the money spent on uber/grab. yea, been grabbing mostly and each trip is $6. so for 2days, transport fee already reaching $50. 


really gei kiang la. should have just left rayous w MIL la.

ok, anyway, things shld be better tmr onwards cux hubb will be on leave liao! 


at least dont have to be so bothered with the transport and travelling part liao. 


ok, so.. still waiting...... 


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