Wednesday, March 29, 2017

StayCaTioN @ SiLoSo BeAch ReSorT

hubb's company had a family day on 17march at sentosa. so i took leave and off we went to participate in the event. 

unfortunately, we lost the tickets that hubb bought at a discounted price. diaoooo.. so now waiting for his colleague to inform him if there are any unclaim tickets by the end of this month. if have, then still can pass him. else, too bad.. duhh.. 

anyway, we also took this chance to staycation at sentosa. haha. im never a supporter of staycation. waste money and stay in singapore, what for? but given the situation that we cannot travel now, then staycation will be the next best option to have the holidaying mood le loh. haha

so, booked 2 nights at the siloso beach resort.

and everything at sentosa is really freaking expensive. after losing the tickets and we cannot claim our bento sets, we went to eat at a foodcourt in sentosa. 1 bryani, 1 salted egg pork rice, 1 soup and 2 drinks costed like $50+ if i remb correctly. mad. 

then for dinner, we ordered in-room service. $20++ for this burger meal. this one still acceptable, since the burger really quite huge and came w lots of waffle fries. 

but $19++ for this seafood horfun is incredulous! 

lucky breakfast is included in our stay. haha. ok la, the breakfast still considered quite decent. 

day 2 after breakfast, brought the boy to play in the pool

honestly, im very guilty towards him. now is the time to bring him out and explore. but because of my pregnancy, it's not so convenient to bring him out and play/explore. so very guilty. but i promise promise promise that i will make it up to him. i promise. 

yeah, most of the time, it's papa who plays and entertains him... haiiz. little wonder he appears to be more attached to papa than mama. there was a period of time when i felt soooo jealous lo. really! literally jealous of ur own husband.. wtf?

and then sis and family came over and joined us in the evening. keke 

and.. it's play time again! 

and night time we went to chill at one of the beachside bar.. keke.. 

bikini bar ok, dont play play! the waitresses really wore only bikinis as their top. woahhh.

yup, so 3d2n for our little staycation. not bad la. chillax abit.  most of the time only play in the water and sleep in the room as the boy needs to nap, and i also cannot walk much. 


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