Saturday, April 29, 2017

ok, updates. 

reached the gynae at about 3.30pm. did a check and he said labour not likely to start within the next few hours. his feel is that labour will start after mid-night. however, he has to put me on the CTG for 1hr of monitoring before he can confirm letting me go home. 

and so.... i was strapped to the CTG for monitoring from 4.45pm to about 6pm. 

ok, and doc cfmed that ok to go home and wait. again, labour likely to start b/w midnight to 8am.. 

and so, we quickly went home and changed and...... tada!!! 

did manage to attend jo's wedding afterall. woohoooo!

yeahh! finally the 5 of us together! yy, yan and i did not get to attend each other's wedding cuz our wedding dates were very close. so, happy that finally we can all attend jo's wedding. 

was still quite worried when i saw the blood this morning. thought cannot attend liao. who knows.. haha.. happy that baby cooperated! woohoo! 


so now, can go give birth with a peace of mind liao. 

still not feeling any pain..... yet




will update again! 

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