Monday, April 17, 2017

CounTinG DoWn Loh..

ok. counting down. 

2 more weeks and 2 days to EDD.

just learnt from my gynae that EDD is most accurate around 3months when the oscar scan is being done. and it should not change thereafter. 

oh. and i tot the EDD will change and get more accurate as we get closer to the due date. so it doesnt work that way huh. haha. 

anyway, towards the last lap, i will say it's tougher than when i was carrying rayous. 

i think im much bigger this time round. and much tired and clumsy than previously. 

when i was carrying rayous, i remembered i was still quite mobile and active, even towards the end. and since there was no sign that rayous will arrive early, i delayed the start of my maternity leave by a few days from originally planned

but now... i cant wait to go on leave man! super tired and siann. and sitting in office whole day really gives me bad backache (not as if it's not already bad..) man. 

but then also quite dilemma. cuz if start maternity early, means will end early. again, i definitely do not want the maternity leave to end so soon la. and i scare i will get too sedentary if i start staying at home so soon. 

ummmmmm.. i think likely will work till end of this week then start maternity le lah. really sian liao. and i've got a feeling baby will arrive earlier than EDD. well, rayous arrived earlier.. so i suspect didi will also arrive earlier. haha.

ok, so yep, counting down. quite worried. in fact more worried than the 1st time, cuz apparently, 2nd labour should be very much faster than the 1st. so, scare not in time to reach hospital then will have some drama-mama episode. and the trigger for the 1st time was the show in the middle of the night. dont know what the trigger will b this time round. 

ok la, just relax and see how it goes ok. it's a waiting game!

jiayou jiayou! 

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