Thursday, March 2, 2017

Rayous's 1sT DaY of SchooL

my little boy's 1st day of school. haha.

so 1st 3 days im allowed to go in with him and 1st 5 days only for 1.5hr instead of the usual 3hrs. 

initially he was quite reluctant to stay in the room. kept holding my hand and pointing/pulling me towards the door, wanting to leave the room. but he kind of settled down after seeing the toys. 

then fed him porridge while he played w the toys. ummmm, his 'performance' wasnt as good as i anticipated. i was expecting him to join in the kids and play and do what the rest were doing. but instead of joining them, most of the time he was clingy and stuck on to me. 

even if he did manage to walk away from me, it's only for  a short while and he will start to look for me and come running to me again. 

yep, so overall, quite unexpected. i tot he will just follow what everybody else is doing and join in the group, but he din.


day 2 tdy.. started off with makan again.. today was bread w jam... 

ok, today i think he's more relaxed. at least right at the beginning, he din pull me towards the door wanting to leave again. though still clingy, there was 1 point in time when the teacher managed to carry him to sit on her lap and do some painting. though for a short while only, but big improvement le la, i think.

tmr will be the last day i can be with him liao. monday will be the 'crisis' time. though i read everywhere that we should just be firm and leave them in the trust of the school, im still v worried. will he really stop crying and settle down after we leave? can the school handle him? will they be impatient and rough with him??? ummmmmmmm

and from the observation these 2 days, i dont find the teacher very engaging, though she did manage to pacify a crying child tdy. and though there is an assistant, i thought they still werent that attentive. eg, the teacher is busy teaching art & craft to 1 child, while the assistant was looking after another child. then the rest of the children were left to play on their own. like that.... safe enough meh? what if the children start putting things into their mouth?? what if they were holding on to the toys and fell and hurt themselves?

or i worry too much liao?


ok, i think there's no back-out now. 

shall just see how it goes and i hope it wont be too difficult on monday. cant stand a pathetic looking and wailing rayous la. will he hate me for leaving him there? will he think that i'd abandoned him? will he feel insecure, be angry and not trust me anymore? will he think that im not helping him???


it's so easy to just say shut off and go! but... when it comes to actual action.. it's not easy at all! 


good luck!

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