Monday, March 6, 2017

3rd & 4th Day of School

ahahah. 3rd day of school! also the last day which i can sit in.

i think he was more at ease as compared to the 1st and 2nd day la. the frequency of leaving me was higher and longer, and the frequency of looking back at me to make sure i was around was shorter. 


and today, the 4th day and the most dreaded day, cuz it's the day whereby i can no longer sit in and he gotta go in by himself! hohoho. 

yeah, so w a hug and a kiss, off he was carried away by the teacher. yeah, plenty of tears and screaming. good thing there was no way to peep, so we were also left with no choice, but to leave and come back to fetch him when time is up. 

when we picked him, he was sucking on the pacifier and holding on to his pillow. apparently still crying. haha. 

according to the teacher, after he went in, he stopped crying after abt 10mins. good thing was, he din cry till vomit. yeah, rayous has the tendency to vomit if he cries too 'vigorously'. heng ah! 

but then, the teacher said , whenever the door opens, he will start to want to cry again. umm. maybe the opening of door reminded him that mummy and daddy are nt around?

anyway, after we picked him up and he calmed down, he was one happy and mischievous rayous again. 

so not too bad for a start huh. 

hopefully it will get better day by day. 

looking forward to the day whereby he will say bye bye to us and walk into the classroom by himself. 


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