Saturday, March 25, 2017

Ahahaha. My 'incentive' for having to go thru another 'cut' soon (hopefully just a cut and not under the knife......)

And probably also my present for this yr's vday, anniversary, bday, Xmas etc n etc... 


Had always wanted a small n portable bag. And now even more, bcuz the bags I have are all too heavy and I really cannot carry heavy stuff liao lah..

Tada! 轻盈多了!  V happy!

Initially I actually wanted this. But was unsure cuz the red color like v hard to match clothes and it's really a bit too small. And also harder to maintain cuz easier to get dirty

So quite happy when the sales staff intro me that one. Bigger, more universal and easier to maintain. 

Yep. Thanks hubb. 

Sorry for the hole in ur pocket.

But... it's all worth it!  

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