Sunday, December 13, 2015

Happy BirThDaY MaMas

celebrated MIL's bday at beng hiang restaurant at jurong east. 

last year we also celebrated at this same premise, but last year it was still boon lay raja restaurant. yeah. boon lay raja closed down liao. taken over by beng hiang which used to be at amoy street. still as popular, many pple. the food is ok. but the service is quite lousy - mostly grumpy and non-responsive aunties... 

spot the crying rayous! 


and then mum's bday was celebrated at mooi chin place located at village hotel. 

came to know about this place via tv advertisement. advertisements are really quite powerful yeah, if not for it, i wouldnt even know of this hotel and this restaurant.

the food is not bad.. but the service really quite chuiii also. slow.. unresponsive... buay gam wan faces..OMG!

happy birthdays to both my mamas!

wishing them good health, happiness and longevity! 

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