Thursday, December 31, 2015

Bye Bye 2015

so, we will be welcoming 2016 in about another 45mins time. 

should be a happy moment, unfortunately, 我有一种莫名的难过. all thanks to the damn news yesterday. 

but 也好, 就让一切不好的随2015过去.一切好的就会在2016发生.

回顾2015, the best thing that happened, will be of cuz, the arrival of rayous!! 
it had seen me transformed from a normal lady to a super mama. 
it had given me an additional role - to be a pillar support to another life. 
it also marked the longest period that i was away from work. thank god!
and of cuz, it is the year to change nric... 三张没得找了!!! 

come 2016, priority is to change job. yes. it's time to go. 真的没有什么好留念了。也不需要留念了。hopefully can find something decent. hopefully. 

and.. towards end of 2016, it will be a good time to try for a 老二, so that he/she can arrive in 2017, which is a gap of 2yrs from rayous. LOL. keke. 

and hopefully can get to travel with rayous and both sides of family in 2016. cruise and taiwan maybe. long long time since i sat on an airplane. ahh!!

but then again, if i really do managed to change job.. it wont be so nice to declare that im pregnant and will be going on maternity soon. and if i really do get pregnant in late 2016, then how to accomplish the plan to travel to taiwan in year-end?! 

ahh. what contradictions! 

anyway, 不想太多. 走一步看一步. 順其自然. 水到自然就渠成!!!

bye bye 2015! 

happy 2016 everyone! 

may 2016 be a happy, healthy, good, prosperous year for all! 

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