Friday, December 18, 2015

Back to Work

ahha, time really flies! 

one month since my maternity ended and back to work! 

ok. im still breathing, kicking.. and in one piece! hoho. 

ok, to be fair, last week was the only 5days week for me. rest of the weeks i had been clearing leaves, so only 1 full week so far. havent really feel the full-blown working days yet, but already tired enough. ha, good luck! 

ok, back to work, not as bad lah. good to be back and quite happy actually. 

and of cuz... back to work.. all the 'unbalance' returned. 

it's not about my fellow colleagues being on leaves or mc.

it's about... 

1) supposed to start work at 9am, but at 9.30am.. still can whatsapp and ask if anyone want any breakfast..  
2) then in the end stroll in at 9.45am.. 
3) and then happily eat breakfast.. 
4) then knocking off early cuz need to attend private lessons
5) dozing off at work 
6) come in late and leave early 
7) take 2hr (and sometimes even more!) of lunch cuz need to go gym during lunch too
8) and etc etc etc... 

i seriously wonder how many hours are spent at doing real work. no wonder work always cannot finish and when piled up, will flow over to us. or worse still, just throw mc and expect the remaining to cover. 

sometimes i wish for a stricter boss who will manage all these. why is the company even spending money on these pple who are just so darn bloody slack and leeching off others??

sure, u can tell me, if they do it, u also do it lahh. 

but... i just cannot bring myself to be sooo slack and shameless. i really really cannot bring myself to walk in at 945am without feeling a tee-wee bit of paisay-ness. and... u never know when the mgmt will kee siao and start pulling out evidence of you not abiding the standard working codes. so, i just dont want to risk it. if the mgmt really wants to get u out of the game, they really will and can go all out to and it's not as if i have never kenna before or seen someone kenna before. so.. never leave urself uncovered and become an easy target to shoot at. 

yah. im just one stupid honest staff. not that im boasting, but i sincerely and honestly regard myself as one valuable asset to whichever company that is hiring me. if they lost me, they lost a gem! 

it's just so unfortunate that i always have to work with pple who are just so slack. and they really bring my morale down and make me wonder why i should be working so hard. so now.. i wont be as slack as them.. but.. i also will not put in the extra effort le. what for? they skived and got away with it. i wont skive, but.. dont expect me to give in anything more either.

so if i become a boss one day, i will never allow a rotten apple to be in my team. cuz it will manifest and affect the good ones and eventually, the whole basket will rot together and all u got is nothing, but just a team of useless and inefficient pple. 

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